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ASPS/JPS Graduate Student Prize

By June 25, 2024No Comments

ASPS/JPS Graduate Student Prize

The Association for the Study of Persianate Societies announces the inauguration of a biennial Graduate Student Prize in order to encourage and reward scholarship about the broader Persianate world by promising graduate student members of ASPS. Interested applicants are invited to submit original and unpublished work to the Journal of Persianate Studies by 09 September 2024.

Based on creativity of topic and source materials, originality of analysis, and overall scholastic contributions, an ASPS prize committee will select a winner, who will be announced at the upcoming ASPS virtual graduate student conference (23 October 2024). The winning paper will be published in the Journal of Persianate Studies after any revision that may be required by the editorial office. In addition, the winner will be invited to present their paper at our biennial conference to be held in Tashkent in August 2025 and will receive funding from ASPS for some of the cost of attending that conference. Runners-up may also be considered for publication in JPS.

The Journal of Persianate Studies is a peer-reviewed publication of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies. The journal publishes articles on the culture and civilization of the geographical area where Persian has historically been the dominant language or a major cultural force, encompassing Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, as well as the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and parts of the former Ottoman Empire.

Eligibility: graduate students who, at time of submission, are members of ASPS and have not received their doctorate at the time of submission, and have also submitted an abstract to the 2024 ASPS online graduate conference.

Application procedure: Paper submissions must fall within the purview of JPS and must be original and previously unpublished; they must also follow all regular JPS style and citation guidelines, found online at: Prize applicants should submit their papers online through Editorial Manager (, selecting ‘Graduate Student Prize’ as the article type. By submitting a paper, applicants acknowledge intent to participate in the ASPS/JPS Graduate Student Prize and waive the right to withdraw their paper from publication, if selected.