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The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia to Co-Sponsor 2023 ASPS Biennial Convention

By November 14, 2022No Comments

It is our great pleasure to announce exciting news in relation to ourupcoming 2023 ASPS Biennial Convention in Yerevan, for which approximately150 abstracts have been submitted. The Institute of Archaeology andEthnology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia(IAE) has agreed to co-host our convention, along with the Institute ofOriental Studies of the Russian-Armenian University. We are delighted tohave such strong local sponsorship for our convention. The participation ofthe IAE as a co-sponsor of the convention will also enhance the ASPS’presence and activities in Armenia, which is already quite strong thanks tothe active Yerevan regional office under the leadership of Professor GarnikAsatrian. IAE will sponsor the activities of the last day of the convention,including the parallel panels of the day, the presidential address, thegeneral assembly, and the closing ceremony.